Nowra Public School

Aim to Achieve

Telephone(02) 4422 0401

Updated drop off and pick up routines

Dear Parents,

I want to again welcome students and parents back to school for Term 2. Teachers have been pleased to see / talk / connect with their students today. We again thank you for your support and understanding during this time.

To ensure safe social distancing for adults we have made some changes to drop off and pick up routines that will continue for Term 2.

Drop Off: We ask that parents do not enter school grounds but drop their children off at the school gates on Plunkett St and Berry St (Primary site) and Plunkett St and Osborne St (Infants site). We also ask that you do not congregate around outside the gates to ensure social distancing rules are followed.

Pick Up: The procedures for pick up on both sites has changed to ensure we follow social distancing rules to protect staff and parents. Please read carefully the information for both sites.

Infants (updated): Pick up for students will now be from both the Plunkett St and Osborne St gates. Students will be supervised in class groups near the gate for collection. Parents are asked to maintain social distancing and wait for their children to be delivered to them. We will only be allowing one family out of the gate at a time to ensure social distancing. Parents are asked to wait along the fence in a line.

Students catching buses home will continue to follow current procedures but with some social distancing while waiting for buses to arrive.

Primary: Pick up for students will continue to be from Berry St. Parents are asked to drive up, wait in their car and a staff member will ask who you are collecting and then escort your children to the car.

For students walking home who cross at the lights there will be a restriction to the number of students crossing at any one time. Students collecting younger siblings from the Infants site will cross first.

Students catching buses home will follow current procedures but with some social distancing while waiting for the buses to arrive.

We thank you for your support in needing to change our procedures. At times, the above procedures may need to change to reflect updated health advice or to ensure social distancing rules are being followed. We are doing everything we can to make sure schools are safe for students, staff and parents.

Nicole Humphreys