12 Jun 2020

Dear Parents,
The Department has released updated guidelines regarding school activities that will commence from Monday 15 June, 2020.
The updates that have an impact on Nowra PS are as follows:
All students should be at school unless:
- they have a medical certificate which states that they are unable to return to school due to an ongoing medical condition and the expected timeframe
- they are currently unwell. If your child is displaying any flu like symptoms please keep them at home and seek medical advice if the symptoms worsen.
Activities/site usage that can take place from Monday 15 June 2020
- School assemblies (limited to 15 minutes and no external visitors)
- Choirs and performing arts at school, with safety protocols in place
- Incursions/external providers can provide activities that support delivery of curriculum (e.g. Healthy Harold).
- Day field trips to outdoor locations with no physical distancing requirements can take place
- Speech and Occupational Therapy carried out during school hours for targeted students with NDIS can recommence. Please contact your child’s therapist and ask them to visit the Primary office to complete hygiene protocol forms. Once these forms are completed, therapists will need to sign in for each visit, as per guidelines before COVID restrictions.
Activities/site usage that can take place from beginning of Term 3
- All school sport and activities including competitions aligned with current health advice (including those activities run by external organisations)
- Inter-school student events and competitions (choirs, sport, debating, public speaking, performing arts, Selective Sports High School trials etc)
- SRE/SEE lessons
- P&C meetings – with a strong preference for on-line where possible
- Parent/teacher meetings – where these need to take place – strong preference for online where possible unless involving serious matters that require face to face discussion
School excursions and school camps are still under consideration by the Department and further advice will be available at a later date.
Parents are still not permitted on school grounds or at school events. The exception to this is if parents need to meet with school staff about their child at a pre-arranged interview or to collect their child from school if they are unwell.
Current arrangements for drop off and pick up remain in place. Please ensure you are social distancing while waiting to collect your children of an afternoon.
Current practices around hygiene with students will continue. We have plenty of supplies of soap and hand sanitiser for students to use regularly.
Additional cleaning of high touch areas and toilets during the school day will continue.
Thank you for your continuing support in ensuring we maintain social distancing guidelines to protect us all.
Nicole Humphreys