19 Aug 2020

Updated advice regarding COVID-19 restrictions have been provided to our school today and will be enforced from Wednesday 19 August. The activities that are permitted at school will be conducted in a way that is safe and appropriate in the current environment.
Please read the following information carefully.
Student attendance
- they have a medical certificate which states that they are unable to return to school due to an ongoing medical condition and the expected timeframe
- they are currently unwell.
If a student is absent for more than three days without a medical certificate, this will be recorded as an unauthorised absence and parents will be contacted by their child’s teacher.
In accordance with advice from NSW Health, parents and carers are reminded NOT to send children to school if they are unwell, even if they have the mildest flu-like symptoms. Schools will make arrangements for students who present as unwell or have flu like symptoms to be sent home.
NSW Health have requested that schools encourage anyone who is unwell or has even mild flu-like symptoms (respiratory symptoms, cough, sore throat, loss of sense of smell or taste, or unexplained fever) to arrange to be tested for COVID-19 through their local medical practitioner or the COVID-19 clinic located at Shoalhaven Hospital (in the Hospital in the Home area and entry is via Shoalhaven St driveway).
Students and staff with flu like symptoms will need to provide a copy of a negative COVID-19 test result before being permitted to return to school.
Hygiene practices
We promote with students the need to follow good hygiene practices such as:
- regularly washing hands
- avoiding sharing drinks or food
- coughing or sneezing into your elbow, or a tissue which should be discarded immediately
- filling water bottles from bubblers rather than using the bubbler directly.
School activities / school site usage
Where possible students will remain with their relevant class, year and / or stage group for all learning activities, including sport. We will not be participating in any sporting activities with other school groups.
Activities that can take place:
- Use the school library
- Engage in sporting activities within restrictions
- Uniform shops open for online ordering only
- School assemblies (limited to 15 minutes and no external visitors)
- Incursions/external providers can provide activities that support delivery of curriculum
- Parents/carers and other non-essential visitors are not allowed on the school site, unless to attend a pre-organised meeting with school staff.
- All group singing (choirs) are not permitted.
- Kindergarten orientation
- Year 7 orientation has been delayed until Term 4.
- School camps – we will make a decision about whether our Year 5 and 6 camps go ahead in the near future.
- Excursions
- Parent and carer attendance at assemblies and other school events
- Parent and carer volunteers – e.g. parent reading helpers (note: canteen and uniform shop volunteers are permitted)
- School-based activities that involve large gathering of adults. These include parent/community gatherings such as parent functions, working bees, fundraisers, school BBQs, large parent information evenings, and large on-site cultural events.
- Interschool sport, drama, debating and other events that are not within the local community or zone including gala days and regional sporting carnivals.