15 Aug 2021

We have had a massive response from community regarding using school iPads for learning at home. We are so pleased that we can get these devices into the hands of our students.
Here are the main points of this plan:
- COVID Safe Plan. Drive by delivery method. We have a series of gates in operation to try and do this as smoothly as possible. Please do not leave your cars. Staff will bring devices to you, passed through the window!
- 10am till 1pm pickup window. Police will be informed of our plan.
- Emphasis on efficiency. We need to get everyone home as quickly as possible.
- Placing a sign in the passenger side window of cars can help us to grab the iPads and bring them out to cars. Otherwise, when you are at the gates, wind down a window and let staff know who you need to pickup for. Please do not get out of your cars.
Plans for K-2 Site: Monday 16 August, 10am till 1pm only
- Kindergarten drive-by location is the gate near the Y1 classrooms -Plunkett St. Near the bottom staff car park and Counsellors offices.
- Year 1 pickup will be at the main from gate (near Y2 rooms) - Plunkett St.
- Year 2 pickup will be from the side gate on Osborne St.
Plans for 3-6 Site: Monday 16 August, 10am til 1pm only
- Years 3 & 4 pickup will be at the Library gates on Berry St.
- Years 5 & 6 pickup will be at the Back Gate (Back Oval) on Douglas St. This is a rarely used gate. Please see the attached images below as a reference for this location. Near what used to be a Vet Clinic.
- 10am till 1pm window will be strictly adhered to. If this doesn’t work for parents, we will make alternate plans for those parents starting on Tuesday. Call the school. We will get back to everyone when we have a plan for that.
- For anyone still hoping to access an iPad, we will also sort that out after this initial rollout has happened.
- This is a massive logistical exercise, we hope everyone can understand the difficulty of putting this together at short notice over the weekend. Please be patient, we will all be doing our best.
Best of luck to everyone. We all hope that this is over with quickly and we can get back to normality.
Please keep an eye on our Learning from home and school Facebook pages for further updates.